Histoire de la flûte

Publié le novembre 22, 2024 par Mindy Mellenbruch

Crédit... Daniel Maurer/Associated Press [Le New York Times]

Histoire de la flûte

Les flûtes ont une histoire riche et diversifiée, avec des preuves de leur utilisation remontant à plus de 50 000 ans. Ils ont été trouvés dans diverses régions du monde, notamment en Allemagne, en Chine, en Inde, en Égypte, en Amérique du Sud et en Amérique du Nord. La flûte traversière est entrée en Europe par Byzance et a été représentée dans l'art grec vers 800 après JC. Le Bansuri, fabriqué à partir de bambou, était sacré pour le dieu hindou Krishna.

En Amérique du Sud, les flûtes de pan en bambou ou en roseau sont populaires, tandis que des flûtes en os d'animaux et d'autres matériaux datant de milliers d'années ont également été trouvées. Ces flûtes étaient utilisées lors de cérémonies rituelles, de festivals et d'événements sociaux. La flûte amérindienne, généralement fabriquée à partir de cèdre ou d'autres types de bois, a joué un rôle important dans la culture amérindienne pendant des siècles. Les flûtes fabriquées à partir de roseaux étaient utilisées par le peuple Anasazi du sud-ouest américain dans des contextes religieux et laïques.

La flûte a été utilisée à la fois à des fins laïques et religieuses à travers l'histoire, diverses cultures croyant que jouer de la flûte pouvait guérir les maux physiques et émotionnels. Les flûtes étaient fabriquées à partir d'une gamme de matériaux, notamment le bambou, les roseaux, l'ivoire, les os d'animaux et le bois. La longue et riche histoire de la flûte montre qu'elle fait partie intégrante de la tradition musicale humaine depuis la préhistoire et qu'elle continue d'être un symbole culturel important pour de nombreuses communautés à travers le monde aujourd'hui.

Détail d'une fresque. Chambre funéraire étrusque - Tombe des léopards, nécropole de Monterozzi, Tarquinia, Italie.

Harmonic Chakras

Publié le novembre 22, 2024 par Mindy Mellenbruch


Harmonic Chakras: Ancient Pathways to Inner Harmony

Amidst the mystical tapestry of Halloween, where the veil between realms grows thin, we step into a realm where chakras, music, and spiritual exploration converge. In the philosophy of yoga, chakras serve as seven vital energy hubs that encircle our being, influencing our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Each chakra resonates with a unique musical note, weaving together an inner symphony.

Our Chakra Flute Package comprises seven flutes, with each one precisely tuned to the specific musical key that corresponds to the energetic sound-center associated with each chakra. This package is meticulously designed to enhance your exploration of these profound connections.

  • Root Chakra (Musical Note C - Red): Located at the base of the spine, it's associated with survival and grounding. 
  • Sacral Chakra (Musical Note D - Orange): Positioned just below the navel, it's linked to creativity and sensuality. 
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Musical Note E - Yellow): Found between the heart and navel, it relates to personal power and emotions. 
  • Heart Chakra (Musical Note F - Green): At the center of the chest, it resonates with compassion and healing.
  • Throat Chakra (Musical Note G - Blue): Located at the base of the throat, it's about communication and speaking one's truth.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Musical Note A - Indigo/Purple): In the center of the forehead, it's associated with intuition and inner vision.
  • Crown Chakra (Musical Note B - Violet/White): At the top of the head, it represents spirituality and cosmic awareness. 

Sound as a Path to Spiritual Exploration and Healing

In the realm of vibrational therapy, practitioners harness a multitude of techniques to create resonances that sync with our inner frequencies. These harmonious vibrations work in concert to foster an equilibrium within our body, mind, and spirit. As you embark on this inward journey, you might find a gateway to the divine, regardless of your chosen spiritual path.

As Halloween's mystique envelops us, venture into a realm where sound and spirit converge with our Chakra Flute Package. Embrace the enchantment by playing these flutes, allowing them to orchestrate harmony within your being. Visualize the chakra that corresponds with each note, igniting its energy and uncovering the healing vibrations that emanate from your inner self.

SACRAL Chakra Spirit Flute - Bass 'D'

THIRD EYE Chakra Spirit Flute - Mid-Tone 'A'

ROOT Chakra Spirit Flute - High 'C'

Turquoise Cabochons: A Cultural Connection

Publié le novembre 22, 2024 par Mindy Mellenbruch


Turquoise cabochons have a profound connection to Native American heritage and symbolize the timeless beauty of this culture. At High Spirits Flutes, we celebrate this legacy by incorporating genuine turquoise into our flute designs.

So, what exactly is a cabochon? In the world of jewelry, a cabochon refers to a gemstone that has been shaped and polished into a smooth, rounded, and convex form, without any facets, or sides. The lack of facets allows the gem to showcase its natural colors and patterns.

 When it comes to turquoise, it's important to distinguish between genuine and fake variations. We are committed to using real turquoise in our craftsmanship. Unfortunately, Howlite is often dyed blue or green and sold as fake turquoise. Howlite – a lovely stone in its own right – is naturally white with grey veining.

Real turquoise is a gemstone formed over millions of years from the interaction of copper, aluminum, and phosphorus with water and minerals. Its blue and green hues vary due to the presence of other elements and minerals in the surrounding rock.

Turquoise holds a special place in the history of Native Americans, dating back thousands of years. This sacred stone was prized for its spiritual significance and adorned ceremonial objects, jewelry, and even weapons. Native Americans believed turquoise to be a symbol of protection, wisdom, and immortality. To this day, turquoise remains an important aspect of Native American culture, representing a connection to the earth and a link to their ancestors.


The popularity of original handmade Native American turquoise designs has surged in recent times. The craftsmanship and cultural significance has captured the hearts of art enthusiasts worldwide. 


As a company rooted in Tucson, we are proud to be part of a community known for its gem shows. The annual Tucson Gem & Mineral Show is one of the largest events of its kind, attracting visitors and vendors from across the globe. It takes place every winter and fall, featuring a collection of gem and mineral shows held at various locations throughout Tucson.

In fact, the Fall Gem & Mineral Show is just around the corner, taking place from August 31st to September 3rd. The larger and more famous Winter show kicks off during the final week of January and continues through the middle of February every year. It's a must-see event with a wonderful display of gemstones and fossils, authentic Native American turquoise regalia, and artifacts from other cultures around the world.

People from all around the world cherish this gemstone for its beauty and symbolism. Understanding its cultural significance connects people from diverse backgrounds and enhances our appreciation for this beautiful gemstone.

Steven Rushingwind: Bridging Cultures Through Music

Publié le juin 20, 2023 par Mindy Mellenbruch

Steven Rushingwind - Ruiz:

Steven Rushingwind (or just Rushingwind) is a multi-talented artist in music and the visual arts. As a musician of Native American and Mexican descent, Steve's music is a blend of unique influences that transcend cultural boundaries. He works with a variety of other musicians including Michael Mucklow & Age Reite. Steve performs both solo and with his band "Rushingwind & The Native Groove"

Early Inspirations and Cultural Roots: 

Steven Rushingwind-Ruiz was deeply influenced by his cultural heritage from a young age. His love for music and artistic expression blossomed within a family of talented artists, both musicians and painters. However, it was the Native American flute that truly captured Steven's heart, becoming the instrument through which he would connect with his ancestral roots and forge a remarkable musical career.

A Harmonious Friendship and Collaborative Partnership: 

Odell Borg, the visionary behind High Spirits Flutes, recognized Steven Rushingwind's exceptional talent as a flutist and embraced him as a kindred spirit. A friendship was forged between the two, fueling their shared passion for Native American music and their dedication to preserving cultural heritage. Their creative collaboration resulted in an album by Rushingwind, called “Keeper of Secrets” released in 2018 (Available on HighSpirits.com). Within the enchanting melodies of this album, Rushingwind weaves a tapestry of his roots and remembrances - a melodic journey through tranquil and, at times, energetic compositions. 

Musical Journey and Awards:

Steven Rushingwind has released several solo albums that have garnered critical acclaim and international recognition. From his debut album "Cloudrunner" to the award-winning "Bridge" and "Among the Ancients," each release showcases his artistry and deep connection with his heritage. The Native American Music Awards recognized his talent, honoring him with awards for "Best New Age Recording" and "Best Instrumental."

Visual Art: A Parallel Expression of Creativity:

Steven Rushingwind's artistic spirit finds expression not only in music, but the visual arts as well. As a self-taught artist hailing from a family of artists, he has explored various mediums and styles. From landscape and plein air paintings to wood sculptures and captivating large-scale installations, Rushingwind's artwork captivates viewers with its vibrant colors and imaginative perspectives. His artistic endeavors have been showcased in galleries across California and Washington DC, leaving a lasting impression on art enthusiasts and collectors alike.

Latest Album Release:

Rushingwind & Mucklow just released their fifth album titled: “5th Element” -  now on all streaming services. Preview Rushingwind's music at www.stevenrushingwindmusic.com

Upcoming Concert:

August 13, 2023, Rushingwind & Mucklow will be performing at the Laguna Art A Fair. This eagerly anticipated event will feature the debut of their latest album, "5th Element."

Odell Borg & Steve Rushingwind 2018

Cet esprit de Noël - Nouvelles chansons

Publié le décembre 23, 2022 par Tara Mulski

Nous sommes ravis de partager de nouvelles chansons de Noël créées par P, notre maître accordeur de flûte.
Nous espérons qu'ils vous plairont!

High Spirits Flûtes · Chants de Noël 2022


Publié le décembre 05, 2022 par Tara Mulski

Liste de lecture vidéo : techniques pour jouer de nos flûtes à ton élevé

Publié le décembre 05, 2022 par Tara Mulski

Dans ces deux vidéos didactiques sur la flûte de style amérindien "Comment jouer", Odell partage des conseils et des techniques pour maîtriser les flûtes à octave élevée, également appelées flûtes à ton aigu, qui nécessitent souvent plus de contrôle de la respiration et une embouchure consciente.