Office Hours: Monday to Friday
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Tucson, Arizona USA
“From day one I have taken great pride in upholding the tradition of Made In America craftsmanship. From the beginning I have been committed to environmental sustainability and the use of non-toxic materials. Each flute is handcrafted from raw wood, which is then hand-finished into a flute with both superior musical quality and unique artisan beauty."- Odell Mulski Borg, Founder of High Spirits Flutes
Since 1990 High Spirits Flutes has been handcrafting Native American Style Flutes; also known as Native Flutes. Our wood shop is located in the majestic mountains of southern Arizona, in the historic town of Patagonia.
Our mission is to connect others with the joy, creativity, and pleasure of playing the Native American Style Flute. As well as to contribute ongoing knowledge and support to the diverse, global, flute-playing community that we embrace wholeheartedly.
All our flutes are constructed with a uni-body design, which means that they are crafted out of a single piece of wood. The tolerances on each flute are precise and measurable to thousandths of an inch, providing musician-quality sound that can be professionally recorded.
If you have never played a musical instrument before but have always wanted to learn, our native flutes are a perfect instrument to begin with. The inherent design of the native flute make them especially ideal for those with no musical background but the desire to creatively express themselves through music.
Every full size flute automatically comes with our How-To-Play Native Flute Instructional Booklet & Tutorial Videos, which insures that all musical skill levels are able to successfully play our flutes, and insures you have everything you need to have a successful start to your musical journey.